Bulletin Board and Events
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Sunday Worship
- Sunday Worship is at 10:00 a.m. - Communion is the first Sunday monthly. The Prayer Chapel opposite the Sanctuary is always available for private prayer, meditation, and communion with consecrated wafers. During the week, please enter through the Chapel Office. To...
Hospitality Hour Needs food items
Sunday Morning Refreshments! After Sunday Worship Service Hospitality Hour Needs food items Goodies for Fellowship Hour following the Sunday Worship are needed! Please consider donating a finger food (healthy or not!)... for everyone to enjoy at our weekly Sunday...
Ushers and Greeters Needed!
Ushers Ministry Please consider joining us as a Sunday Worship Service usher or greeter. We need 4 ushers and 2 greeters for each Sunday Service. We are exceptionally grateful to those who already serve in these roles and look forward to some new faces as well....
Food Pantries
Please continue to donate to our food drive! Our local food pantries are desperate for all types of non-perishable food. Bring what you can to the Chapel and we will make sure it gets to the proper place. Every little bit helps feed those in need. (All items must be...
Would you like to honor or remember someone with flowers in the Chapel Sanctuary? Would you like to sponsor special music during Worship? Contact the Chapel Office and we'll help make it possible! Call the Chapel office at (941) 383-6491 or send us a...
Let’s Get Active!
There are numerous ways for you to become active in the Longboat Island Chapel. Here are just a few: Become a volunteer at the Lord’s Warehouse. Volunteer to be an usher or greeter on Sunday mornings. Sign-up sheets are in the Shook Fellowship Hall. Stop by the Chapel...

The Lord's Warehouse
October–April (During Season)
Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m
May-August (Off Season)
Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
The Lord’s Warehouse Thrift Shop has a very unique offering of clothing, jewelry, antiques, furniture, books, and housewares galore. The inventory changes frequently and includes many name brands and designer clothes and shoes, such as Prada, Ralph Lauren, Foot Joy, Armani, and D&G to name a few. In addition, the thrift shop has original paintings and prints, vintage jewelry as well as high-end home furnishings and accessories on a frequent basis. Come often as it is always fun to rummage through the endless array of gently used bargains to find those special treasures that will make your shopping experience at the Chapel’s thrift shop complete.

Shifting Sands
You don’t need to go through life’s many changes alone. Our support group can help you walk through life’s ever-shifting sands including the following:
- Loss of a loved one
- Separation or divorce
- New relocation
- Need of friendship
- Feelings of depression
- Challenges at home or with loved ones
For further information and meeting times, please call the Chapel office at 941-383-6491
Journey to Greece and Turkey
Ancient Echoes-Highlights of St. Paul's Footsteps
Join us October 2-13, 2025
Embark on a Journey of a Lifetime to Greece and
Istanbul, where Ancient History, Stunning Landscapes, and Vibrant
Cultures Await You!
$5295.00* (Leave from Tampa Airport)
If you are interested, please contact the office at 941-383-6491 or contact
Val Evanko at [email protected] so we can get you on the list.
Due to popular demand, the travel company is adding more spaces for this trip!
*Approximate pricing