Wednesday, March 9, 2022
“Engage in a Devotion, Study, or Inspiration”
Today’s challenge is self-explanatory: do something. The opposite of “garbage in, garbage out”, today’s challenge is aimed at helping us feed our heart, mind, and soul with the Good things of God. I know lots of folks who regularly engage in devotions, studies, and inspirational readings. However, I also know that this is a very small percentage of the population. Most folks don’t think they need religion, let alone the need to engage in some additional ways to grow in faith.
Today’s Challenge is a bit biased, primarily because the Longboat Island Chapel offers a Bible Study on Wednesday, both in-person and online. One might even think that this author is trying to increase attendance at said Bible Study, but that would be untrue.
Although I’d love for folks to feel welcome at Bible Study, I’m really hoping that people simply take the initiative to grow in their faith today. Studies and devotions, similar to this one, often provide additional perspectives to our knowledge base. Moreover, these additional study opportunities can even help us with new ways to approach life’s issues, challenges, and surprises with God’s best and God’s truth.
The world is full of self-help, wisdom from the “Dr. Bills” and “Judge Snootys”, and advice from wonderful preachers and teachers. And yet, even though something might be good or even great, it can’t substitute for God’s best. Much like seeing a dentist for a heart condition, filling our souls with wisdom outside of God is probably not going to benefit us as much as wisdom from the One who made us and wants the best for us.
Today, engage in study, devotion, or inspiration rooted in God’s Word!
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119:105, KJV)