Wednesday, March 27, 2024
“Clean the Beach, Street, or Park”
On this Wednesday of Holy Week, let’s take some time to care for God’s creation. Our Lenten Challenge is to take some time and clean the beach, street, park, or whatever other area you choose.
The Longboat Island Chapel, the church that originates these devotions and the church I serve, is located on a barrier island off the west coast of Florida. This area is home to the manatees, one of the most interesting and beautiful creatures in all creation. I’m blessed to see manatees frequently in many different places around the island as these gentle giants thrive because of the warm, clean, oxygenated waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
Today is National Manatee Appreciation Day, which is one reason this Challenge was chosen. But we know this should be an everyday Challenge, and a focus during Holy Week may put some extra emphasis on it. I may not be able to do a lot for the manatees, but one thing I can do is keep their water clean. Though the water in this region is already very clean, occasionally I’ll encounter a piece of garbage while I’m fishing. I pick it up. Occasionally, while walking the beach, I’ll find a food wrapper of some kind. I pick it up. Often, when I’m walking my dog on the sidewalks, I’ll encounter trash. Sometimes (but not all the time) I pick it up.
You may not have access to manatees, dolphins, and giant sea turtles. You might live close to a dense forest or at the foot of a snow-covered mountain. You might see lots of birds around your home or white-tailed deer might visit your backyard on occasion. Or, maybe you live in a quiet community with good people. All of this is part of God’s creation, and anytime we have the opportunity to keep God’s world clean, we are giving life to trees, mountains, animals, and people.
Today’s Challenge is easy. Find a way to do a little cleaning around your neighborhood. Be intentional about picking up the trash you might encounter. When you leave your home today, take a grocery sack and put it in your purse or pocket so that you’ll be ready.
We may not be able to save the world today, but we can make a difference! Today, clean the beach, street, park, or wherever you might be!
“Lord, you have done so many things! You made them all so wisely! The earth is full of your creations! And then there’s the sea, wide and deep, with its countless creatures — living things both small and large. There go the ships on it, and Leviathan, which you made, plays in it! All your creations wait for you to give them their food on time. When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are filled completely full!” (Psalm 104:24-28, CEB)