Saturday, April 1, 2023

“Do Something Extravagantly Nice!”


This Lenten Challenge is making a first-time appearance on our Lenten Calendar, although I must admit that I have really been excited about this one for a long time. Since today is April Fool’s Day and the silly jokes are going to be in abundance, today’s Lenten Challenge is presented to specifically thwart the jokes people may receive. Today, instead of fooling them, we’re gonna do it for real. No tricks.

Today’s Challenge is to do something extravagantly nice. The “Extravagant” part can be defined in any manner that you wish. This Challenge doesn’t have to involve any exchange of financial resources. Instead, consider something that stretches you beyond your normal boundaries. Also, the good deed doesn’t have to be completed for another person. We can complete this task on behalf of our local church or chapel, school, township, or fire department. We could do this for a police officer, a neighbor around the corner, or even our worst enemy. This Challenge is wide open, as long as “we” (you) consider it to be extravagant.

Recently, I passed an overflowing trash can along the main roadway. Cleaning up the mess and disposing of the trash at home would be one example of something that might qualify. Another example could be providing a meal for someone that doesn’t expect it, or sending a NICE greeting card to a town commissioner or someone else in public office. (Assuming, of course, that you normally don’t send them nice letters!)

Too often, we bypass opportunities to share God’s love with other people. Today, we don’t have to preach to anyone or even raise our hands to be identified. We can do something nice and not tell anyone about it. Given the tragic storms that hit my hometown yesterday in Little Rock, Arkansas, opportunities will be in abundance. Even prayers from far away can make a difference.

So, what will it be today? The Challenge is open to interpretation. The goal is to stretch beyond our normal boundaries and do something super-nice… just because!

Do Something Extravagantly Nice today!

“Generosity will be rewarded: Give a cup of water, and you will receive a cup of water in return.” (Proverbs 11:25, CEV)

Lent Devotion/Challenge Calendar

Click on the calendar to view a larger copy or download