Friday, March 17, 2023
“Eat Something Green!”
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we get a slight breather this Friday during Lent. Rather than withhold necessities such as meat, caffeine, or sugar from our diets, today we are challenged to eat something Green and Healthy!
Yes, the only real Challenge for some of us is that we can’t consume Green beer, margaritas, or various candies and expect them to count. Today, we are Challenged with finding something Green that is Healthy and adding it to our diets. Lettuce, Spinach, Green Apples, and Avocadoes (from Mexico!) are all legal today. Also permitted are Green protein drinks (Mountain Dew is not healthy), pistachios, green peppers, and whatever else we can justify during this 24-hour period.
Everything doesn’t have to be Green and Healthy today. Instead, this Challenge is designed to help us be more intentional about our consumption choices. We should be conscious about what we put into our bodies for the simple reason that “We are what we eat”.
Sure, this Challenge will be easy to complete. Throwing some bell peppers on our pizza tonight will work. Spinach dip can be justified. Even lettuce on our bacon cheeseburger would work. But all that kinda defeats the purpose. We are beyond blessed because we are able to choose our next meal when many people don’t have anything to eat. If, for no other reason, we can begin to be more conscious about our food and beverage consumption, then maybe we can take one more step forward in a life that serves both God and God’s world.
Find something Green and Healthy to eat today!
“Then God said, “I now give to you all the plants on the earth that yield seeds and all the trees whose fruit produces its seeds within it. These will be your food.” (Genesis 1:29, CEB)