Friday, March 1, 2024
“No Added Sugars”
Pooh! Another Friday Fast has arrived and today’s is no fun at all. Today’s Lenten Challenge is to Remove Sugars and Sweeteners from our diets for 24 hours.
I’m not sure which is worse, this Challenge or the Challenge last Friday that removed caffeine. Black coffee and unsweetened tea are legal today, but I’m not sure I can stand the unsweetened versions enough to handle it, so I might as well skip caffeine along with it.
Thankfully, these Challenges end as quickly as they begin. Since I began with this challenge last evening, I only need to behave for another few hours this afternoon before enjoying my favorite beverage.
Why practice a form of fasting? Because it’s an easy way to demonstrate our thankfulness for the LORD. Plenty of people don’t have enough to eat on the other days of the week, aside from not having any food on Fridays. Many hungry people would be thankful for an apple or a few pieces of broccoli when I might normally avoid it.
Today is not about withholding any kind of food. Today’s Challenge is about consuming things the way God made them, or at least, close to it. Natural sugars are fine, and of course, if the doctors say that you need to consume something that the Challenge prohibits, do something nice for someone else today (which means that you’re doing it for the LORD). Don’t ever practice fasting if it puts your health at risk!
Today’s Friday Lenten Challenge is to avoid Added Sugars and Sweeteners. This is a 24-hour Challenge, so if you haven’t consumed prohibited foods or drinks since last night, you’re already way ahead! However, if you’ve already emptied some sweeteners (or creamers because almost all of them contain sugars) into your coffee, stop now and start that clock! Give thanks to the LORD today for the sweetness in life and remember His blessings as you wait for your next treat time!
“God’s word is so pleasing to my taste buds — it’s sweeter than honey in my mouth!” Psalm 119:103, CEB)