Saturday, March 19, 2022
“Check in with an old friend or neighbor”
Today’s challenge probably needs some additional instructions. For example, does the term “Old” refer to one’s age or their proximity to me? In this case, we are challenged to check in with a friend or neighbor that we haven’t interacted with in a while. Former neighbors and friends from long ago qualify, as we recognize the need to check on the welfare of people who helped shape us into the people we are today.
I know… there’s a lot left for interpretation. That’s the point! There are people from our past who need a quick check-in, if for no other reason than to just let them know that we’re thinking and praying for them.
Today’s challenge doesn’t contain a hidden agenda. It’s simple yet meaningful. It’s easy but important. God blessed us with some important people. They may not think they’re important, but today is the perfect day to let them know that indeed, they are!
“Check in with someone from the past!”
“All the Law has been fulfilled in a single statement: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” (Galatians 5:14, CEB)