Wednesday, April 5, 2023

“Pray for God’s Will”


The Lenten Challenge for today is simple for us, unless, of course, God’s Will is different from our own. Yes, on the last hump day of Lent, we try to focus on what God needs.

Pastors, ministry organizers, church staffers, and missionaries have a unique viewpoint of God’s Will. For us to answer God’s Call into vocational service, we’ve had to let go of our former plans. Some of those plans were simple, far-fetched ideas, while others served as our life’s purpose for many years. Accepting God’s Will for us is a daunting task. Sometimes, it looks like an impossible mountain to cross. Other times, we don’t want to even try to cross it.

“Letting Go” is the first step in following God’s Will. If we’re not willing to let go of our plans, traditions, opinions, goals, dreams, and the like, then we’re not going to be open to God’s Will. If we’re not open to God’s Will, then we may never become a part of some of God’s greatest works. That’s what makes God’s Will such a difficult subject to address. Sure, we can pray for it, but unless we are truly open to whatever God says and does, we’re not quite sincere in our request.

Today, let’s Pray for God’s Will in our lives. Praying for someone else is always needed, but today’s prayer for God’s Will is a specific call upon our call as a child of God. In other words, today’s prayer isn’t for someone else. It’s for you…and me…

“May your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10, NET)

Lent Devotion/Challenge Calendar

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