Wednesday, March 16, 2022

“Pray for Five Minutes, 2x!”


Taking some time to pray should be easy. Today we kick it up and pray not just once, but at least twice (and for five minutes)! What should we pray for? My goodness, take your pick. The options are endless, but in case you’re struggling with what this means, here’s a little food for thought.

Prayer, most simply put, is communication with God. Though prayer may seem like a one-way conversation, it’s not. God is listening and God will respond, although it may not be with verbal responses as what we’d prefer. Just like we have lots of ways to communicate (voice, body language, music, art, writing, etc.), God has even more ways to communicate. If we don’t receive a recognizable response to our prayers, we should keep asking, seeking, and knocking on God’s door. God will respond.

Still not convinced that prayer makes a difference? That’s okay. If we don’t feel like we need God’s help, then it’s probable that God isn’t expecting to hear from us anytime soon. However, it would be nice to drop God a line once in a while and open the door for communication to occur. One never knows…God may just be waiting for an invitation to talk!

“Pray for Five Minutes Today…2x!”

“The Lord is near all who cry out to him, all who cry out to him sincerely.” (Psalm 145:18, NET)

Lent Devotion/Challenge Calendar

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