Saturday, December 24, 2022 (Christmas Eve!)

“Ring the Bell and Open the Door!”


Here we go! It’s finally Christmas Eve. We still have some time to pick up those very last-minute gifts. However, we can’t use overnight mail anymore to get our gift there in time. We can’t rely on Amazon Prime anymore, nor can we suggest that someone else take care of it for us. We are on the doorstep of Christmas and it’s time to ring the doorbell.

Have you ever experienced a moment in which you hesitated to do something? I remember taking my first dates out to a movie or dinner. My mom would be waiting in the car as I strolled up to the front porch of my soon-to-be (or at least, hoping for it) girlfriend. I’d hesitate in nervous anticipation before ringing the doorbell. I’d think about all the things I had done to arrange this big moment. Passing notes, making phone calls and hoping her parents didn’t answer, and then finally stumbling through the words to ask her out. Gee Whiz! That’s some big stuff for a young teenage boy!

I wonder what emotions Mary and Joseph experienced when they finally arrived in Bethlehem. We know they were turned down by the innkeeper and we know they found a place to stay, but we don’t know their emotions, nervousness, or anxious anticipation.

Christmas Eve is a bit like arriving on that doorstep. Or maybe, for you, it might be like opening the door as I’m standing out there in the cold rain waiting for you. As you put your hand on the door handle to open it, what are you feeling? As you peek out the window and see my mom outside with the car running, do you wonder if it’s worth it?

Yes, it’s worth it. Not because I’m special, but because Jesus is special.

Whatever we have anticipated or questioned, whatever we’re wearing and wherever we’ve been… Jesus is worth it. God loved us so much that He sent Jesus so that every person that opens their heart’s door might have eternal life – experiencing God’s love for eternity!

Go ahead. Ring the doorbell. Answer the door. Christmas is here!

“Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you.” (Revelation 3:20, The Message)