Monday, December 19, 2022

“Happy Hanukkah!”


Hanukkah, the eight-day Festival of Lights, officially began last evening. For the next eight days, our Jewish friends and neighbors will be celebrating a special moment in history when the Second Temple in Jerusalem was rededicated. The Syrian king had conquered the Jewish people in about 200 BCE, ruling with a harsh hand and forcing the Hebrews to worship the ancient Greek gods. Then, in 168 BCE, Syrian soldiers descended upon Jerusalem, killing thousands of Jews, desecrating the Temple, and outlawing their religious freedoms.

The Hebrews revolted. Several years later, in 164 BCE, the Hebrews defeated the Syrian armies in Jerusalem under the leadership of Judas Maccabeus. When Judas Maccabeus entered the Temple, he found that the Menorah, a candelabra with seven branches that was supposed to always be lit, had been extinguished. Maccabeaus found enough consecrated oil to burn the Menorah for only one night. Miraculously, the Menorah burned for eight nights before the consecrated oil was replenished.

As a result, the Jewish people created a new Menorah with nine branches. Each candle branch represented one day when the Temple candles remained lit. The ninth and middle candle was used to light the other eight. Thus, in celebrating the Temple Rededication, the Hebrew people celebrate Hanukkah each year for eight days, lighting Menorahs in their homes, exchanging gifts, and enjoying special food delicacies each day of Hanukkah.

These traditions are significant to all of us, especially Christians. It is almost certain that Jesus celebrated Hanukkah with His Hebrew nation, recognizing and celebrating God’s constant protection and provision to His people. Like Christmas, Hanukkah helps us to remember that we should never give up on God. The Menorah light, like Christmas, reminds us that God is always present.

God is always at work! During the Holiday Season, we can help reflect God’s light by affirming all people in their Faith journey and sharing the magnificence of God’s Love.

“Light, space, zest— that’s God! So, with him on my side I’m fearless, afraid of no one and nothing.” (Psalm 27:1, The Message)