Sunday, Dec 19, 2021
The Key to Christmas
Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent, the beginning of the week attributed to the theme of LOVE. I suppose that LOVE makes the most sense of all of the themes, especially since it is the reason we have Christmas. It would be easy to lean on John 3:16 and call it a day, but quoting a Bible verse doesn’t really help people who don’t take the time to read devotions, attend church, or serve in their community. Those folks, which represent three out of four people in our population, need a little more.
Something that might be helpful for us to be aware of: God could have chosen many other ways to handle humanity. Despite our imperfections, mistakes, and problems, the LORD Loves us and chooses to save us. God didn’t make it complicated so let’s not do it, either. Christmas allows all of us to have a chance to turn things around in our own lives so that we might become a part of something bigger, better, and eternal.
We who are believers have an incredible opportunity at Christmas. Our culture is engulfed with Christmas, neck-deep in blinking lights and decorations. Even those who do not share our Faith are celebrating! As God’s people, we can demonstrate Love for the world in ways that our world culture understands. Sharing our resources, giving a kind word in the midst of conflict, and allowing a stranger to accept our place in line are just a few examples of God’s Love that we can give. With a little thought, I’m guessing that we can come up with many other ways to show others that God LOVES them.
Christmas arrives because God loves humanity and wants only the best for us. Christ’s arrival symbolizes a chance for all people to receive eternal life. When it comes down to it, none of us really need to receive anything else for Christmas.
This week, let’s demonstrate the LOVE that God has provided to the world through Christmas.. and maybe keep in mind the ole’ John:3:16… after all, God so Loved ALL the world. Let’s show the world lots of LOVE this week! It’s the Key to Christmas!
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” (John 3:16, NRSV).