Tuesday, December 20, 2022
“When Your Co-pilot is a No-Show”
Last weekend, I made a quick trip home. Since it was the week before Christmas, the airports were already crammed with folks trying to get to various places. Flight delays were common and I experienced two separate delays, barely making it to my destinations on time. One of the delays was most peculiar: There was no co-pilot.
That’s a new revelation for me. I’ve never considered what it would be like if the co-pilot called in sick, which was the case. Even though we were flying through the airline’s major hub, a replacement co-pilot could not be found. We were stuck! Fortunately, I was among the last group to board the plane, so instead of allowing us on the plane, they asked our group to step back and wait at the gate. Thank goodness! (Much sorrow for those who had already boarded!)
I thought it was interesting that the gate agent was very candid with his announcement. He explained that the airline was talking to inbound co-pilots, offering them a quick trip to Florida if they would be willing to hop on another flight upon their arrival. Finally, after about an hour, a young female in dress blues appeared at the gate counter and we received our much-anticipated boarding instructions. We were late, but only slightly (apparently because the pilot and new co-pilot had the accelerator floored).
Finding ourselves without our co-pilot can stop us in our tracks. Lots of us may feel we are “stuck at the gate”, waiting this Christmas. We love our co-pilots and we don’t know how to fly without them. God understands our needs even better than we do, and God is not going to leave us at the gate. The LORD promises to supply us with all that we need. Whatever trip we take, we can trust the LORD to guide us through any turbulence.
This Christmas, keep the Lord in the co-pilot seat. God knows our flight plan. God will make sure we’re safe and that we receive all that we need.
“Don’t ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the LORD your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9, CEV)