Friday, December 6, 2024
“Invite the Uninvited”
Today is the first Friday of the Christmas Season. It is also the launchpad of the first Holiday parties and gatherings.
Are you hosting a party or gathering? If so, I’d like to propose something that might feel uncomfortable. Who are you Not inviting to the party? If this is a work-related party, inviting non-employees isn’t possible. However, what about a former employee? Could they be invited? Or, if you are hosting a party with a few neighbors, which neighbor are you not inviting? Or, if you are hosting a gathering with a few select friends, is there someone on your heart or mind that you have not invited who belongs there?
I know. This is a bit touchy. But it’s important. Who isn’t invited and what if you’re not the host? Do you have the option to bring someone with you? Or, if that’s not possible, who do you notice is missing from the gathering when you attend?
The reason I’m asking these difficult questions is that everyone needs the opportunity to be included, especially during the Holidays. In reality, the least and the lost are often forgotten. Usually, it’s the most important, energetic, or entertaining people that are invited. The quiet person is easily left aside. The strange or different person is avoided, and the negative, conflicted, or unpleasant people are intentionally excluded.
Don’t fret. Some people are so problematic that including them in a social situation is simply too risky. However, we still don’t need to forget them. Maybe we can invite them to lunch during the Holiday Season. Or, maybe just meet them for a coffee.
Can’t think of anyone who fits this description? Haha. Who are we kidding?! Whoever it is that is on our minds right now is probably the person who needs some attention this Holiday Season. Parties are easy to include because there’s safety in numbers. But if that won’t do, consider a smaller, more controlled environment.
Christmas is the season for memories. A couple of uncomfortable hours could create a lifetime memory for someone least important. I mean, really… What would the Holidays be like if we didn’t have a Cousin Eddie? Christmas wouldn’t be the same without him, would it?
“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’” (Matthew 25:45, NIV)