Friday, December 13, 2024

“Hit the Panic Button”


Just twelve days to Christmas. Is it time to panic? If you’re a list maker, yes, it’s time to panic. You’re behind. If you’re a procrastinator, no worries. You’re still ahead.

At some point during the Holiday Season, it becomes real, doesn’t it? Something triggers inside our head and the reality of Christmas’ proximity will sink in. How will we react? For some of us, panic will emerge, along with a host of external, visible, and audible responses.

Have you hit the Panic Button yet? I really wish the Panic Button didn’t exist, but pretending that it doesn’t exist would be like pretending Christmas isn’t real. People are relying upon us for various reasons and that’s why we’re hitting the button, right? But really, are our loved ones really relying upon us purely for the gifts that we give them or meals we can cook?

I acknowledge that, yes, some of our loved ones might hanging around just because of the stuff we do for them. For the most part, however, that is not reality. They would much rather have a happy and healthy “us” than receive a gift that could be easily forgotten months from now.

So, what should we do with the Panic Button? I don’t think ignoring it is a good (or healthy) solution. Nor do I think it’s good (or healthy) to hit the button and go great guns to fulfill what we think people expect of us. Instead, the proper solution might be somewhere in between.

What is the best thing we can do for our loved ones this year? If we are able to answer that question quickly, then congratulations. You’ve found the right solution. Meanwhile, the rest of us are already wrestling with the answer, partly because the best gift we can give has all kinds of pain and suffering attached to it. Admittance of Wrong. Forgiveness for a Wrong Committed. Reconciliation. Detachment from material, temporary, or artificial things…this is the difficult stuff but it’s the stuff that can often mean the most…to everyone.

Don’t hit the Panic Button, yet. Relax. Breathe. Ask God for some Peace. Seek the LORD’s guidance for what the LORD needs, after all, it is the LORD’s birthday. We don’t necessarily need to forego the gifts we’re planning to give to loved ones, but the motivation for our gifts might be just what we’re looking for.

“Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. Then the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7, CEB)